Jhuriel Centino
I am Jhuriel Orlina Centino.
A graduate of Bicol University, studied Japanese languagein Phil-Nippon Technical College. I was deployed as an Techincal Intern in Japan for 3 years under Hitachi Kenki in Kandatsu Machi, Tsuchiura City, Ibaraki Ken.
During my work in Japan I had learned a lot in life well not just the language and culture but the working ethics of a Japanese but also the 5S, safety measures and Kaizen culture.
Aside from teaching the Japanese language I want to share my knowledge, experience, and the lesson to mystudents what acquire when I was in Japan. We are strict towards our student to make sure they know how to follow time, (company) rules and proper behavior in working inside a Japanese Company. In doing so, we ought to deploy well trained students scheduled to work in Japan.
日本では、茨城県 土浦市 神立町の日立建機で技能実習生として三年間働いた経験があります。